世界廚房:從食物看天下 世界就像一座大廚房,交錯的人和事,烹調出百般複雜的生命滋味。 我們每日三餐所食雖然細碎,卻真實地記錄著過去與未來的歷史、文化與社會樣貌。因此我們經由食物,以採訪走入世界,引介不同食物工作者們深耕食物的精采故事;除了希望反映出食物更多面向的樣貌和感動之外,也讓世界與台北對話。 關於 Beher 生活廚房 Beher 生活廚房誕生於 08 年,希望藉由一個空間,與大家一起醞釀關於食物與生活的想法。開辦料理課程與食物產 地旅行等活動,分享關於食物的特色、創意、經驗以及飲食體驗。希望呈現飲食文化的完整構面,並將美學教育融入生活中。 A Spoonful of World Flavor The world is a dynamic kitchen where the people we meet and events we experience become part of the complex flavors of life. While our meals are fragmentary, together they record cultural and social manifestations. We therefore take food as our lens for exploring both the past and present and peering into the future. Besides aiming to cultivate dialogues in food through stories of inspiring professionals and changemakers, we hope to create a channel for the world to engage with Taipei. Our Story Beher Kitchen, founded in 2008, seeks to incubate diversity in food and lifestyle and tune into the sources of everyday living. Curating various activities on cu...