
Tastes Like Home

Guess where this kitchen is? An electric pot is nowhere to be seen, but there is a Kurdistan[1] frying pan, as well as a sticky rice bamboo steamer from Laos and five different style pestle and mortar sets from India, Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand, respectively. There are no cutlery sets, and the wooden and ceramic bowls are all different. This is because they are changed daily for the pleasure of matching them with different foods. This is the kitchen of Naomi Duguid in Toronto, Canada and the secret base from where she has produced seven award-winning cookbooks[2].

A desire to interact with the world motivated her to change from a career in law to one in photography and writing, in which she moves between text and images. She also enjoys learning belly dancing and shape note singing. Laughingly, she says that maybe she will never perfect all of them, thus she is lucky that she will never be forced into specialization. With the opening up of Tibet, Myanmar, and Iran to the world, she has recorded some of their homemade dishes and has cooked them as a colorful toast to the world. In this way, she has melted away national borders between foods and cultures.

For more than thirty years, she has revealed the foods and regions that are less written. Out of a sense of curiosity, she traversed the Pamir and the Karakoram Mountains by bicycle. In the future she will travel through Southeast Asia by boat with her two sons. Most currently, she leads intensive food-focused tours of the Thailand and Myanmar border region and lectures on food history in University of Toronto. She would rather be a benevolent and observant traveler than a reporter who excavates the truth. "I'm just trying to see what I see. Stop first , look and start to ask ourselves questions" said Naomi. She feels no need to visit must-see scenic spots or try must-eat dishes. She immerses herself in the unknown using flavor as her anchor with everywhere beckoning as a homeland.

From ingredients to kitchen utensils, cooking methods, materials for creating heat, the person cooking, how the food is eaten, and with whom the food is eaten all reflect a type of knowledge that comes from the interaction between humans and the environment. Slowly, this knowledge accumulates to become food culture. The filling of piping hot Mongolian steamed dumplings is mostly mutton complemented by fermented milk curd or pickled vegetables. These differ from Tibetan steamed dumplings (also referred to as momo) which use yak meat for their filling. In 1985, a trip to China inspired Naomi Duguid to leave behind her black gown in the court and visit home kitchens in foreign lands. She traveled to Xinjiang, Mongolia, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet and learned about the cuisines in China other than those of the main cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. She and Jeffrey Alford then collaborated on a book entitled Beyond the Great Wall: Recipes and Travels in the Other China , in which is described the food landscapes of the minority ethnic people of China. (Courtesy of Naomi Duguid)

The darkness of night has not yet receded. Candles bathe Hsipaw Town in the Shan State of Myanmar in a warm glow. In the local market, shoppers silently allow the monks involved in morning prayers to pass. Naomi Duguid visited Myanmar for the first time in the 1980s. Every time she left, she would worry that she would not be allowed back. Since 2010, when the military junta that had been in power for nearly half a century relinquished its power, she has seen a change among the people who are slowly beginning to open up and smile in the public. Traveling by boat along the Mekong River, she has tasted the sour, salty, sweet and spicy flavors of a diverse array of peoples including the Bamar, Shan, Kachin, Karen, and Chin. These stories are unfold in her cookbook entitled Burma: Rivers of Flavor. (Courtesy of Naomi Duguid)

In your cookbooks, the flavor of cuisine does not just come from the ingredients but also from the aromas, colors, sounds, and ambience inside kitchens. Why did you prefer to unfold the stories in this way?

I am most interested in how people feed themselves and their families on a daily basis. We survive as individual and as collective as culture or country. We're all very different and come up with creative ways of living to shape culture. A desire to know how do people live with what they have and why things are the way they are is my starting point. You can also gain an understanding of culture through music, textiles or crafts, but sometimes they are not easy to unearth. However, everybody has to eat food on a daily basis. It is very practical and tangible, and as a result food has become the way that I make inquiries about the world. For example, in Mexico corn tortillas are central to the local way of life, and when I asked how to make them, the women there were shocked that I did not already know. They felt obligated to teach me and correct me. I did not mind this and felt that their generosity was heartwarming and admirable. The desire to help and perfect one another stems from human nature, and this is especially true among women. This has to be told in order for the story of corn tortillas to be complete.

Top: Since 2009, Naomi Duguid has been traveling to the Thai-Myanmar border region to lead food tours and to learn the cuisine of the Shan people from the local women. The students from Western countries are thrown into traditional wet market to shop. They are given a list of ingredients but no recipe to follow. During class, they must be fully in the present using their hands, eyes, ears and mind.
Bottom: Two knives are used simultaneously to mince ingredients (referred to as laap in the Thai language) while paying attention to the texture. Pestle and mortar are used to grind pungent ingredients. These are the common food preparation methods of northern Thailand. Only through careful observation and continuous practice, can they become imprinted on one's body and memories. (Courtesy of Naomi Duguid)

Simple and no-frills everyday cuisine holds the greatest attachment for people. Which of these foods make you emotional and stimulate your memories?
Let me think about it. There are too many! My earliest memory is of my mother making toast with butter and marmalade. That small trace of bitter flavor was truly satisfying. Besides that, I have a soft spot in my heart for foods made from rice, even leftovers. Just using it for fried rice or frying it with green vegetables and putting a fried egg on top can make it into hearty food. It is also really soothing as breakfast food. Aromas are like doors through which I directly access deep memories. Anytime that I smell burning juniper I cannot help but remember the plumes of smoke during a pilgrimage to Tibet. Similarly, when the spices hit hot oil, I am surrounded by fragrance that brings me back to Bangkok right away. Being able to pay close attention to feelings produced from the sense of smell is a very fortunate thing.
In the 1950s, growing up in Ottawa, Canada, labor lawyer Naomi Duguid felt that the North American food culture for so long is very European-focused and pay attention to banquets cuisine only. At a time when her country was under the influence of Europhilia, with her lens and pens, she began to defend traditional cultures and home cooked foods around the world that are less known. Showing a metal spatula that she has had since law school, she shares her obsession with hand kitchen tools. If you can use the palm of your hand to crush garlic why would you need a machine to do it? Open your heart to feel the foods and encounter with people. (Courtesy of Laura Berman)

You mentioned your captivation with rice. You have chronicled the Eurasian rice cultures and have visited Taiwan. Can you share with us your impressions of Taipei?
The first time that I visited Taipei was 21 years ago. Although it was only a short four-day visit, I traveled by bus to the tea fields in the city outskirts and strolled around the city center. There were not as many skyscrapers as today and the pace of the city was not rushing. A lot of Westerners had come to Taiwan to study Chinese. I really enjoyed walking on the streets with smell of cooking food everywhere, visiting the temples, and going to each small food stall on a tour of the flavors. I was especially stunned by the rich and dark herbal stews and all the different kinds of remarkable tea! On winter days in Toronto when I have the beef soup that my Taiwanese neighbors make the memories of these foods are especially vivid. A lot of people say that they want to try authentic Chinese foods, and I believe Taiwan still is one of the best places in the world to eat diversity of amazing Chinese food from all the provinces.
Did you know that before chili peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts and corn from the Americas made their way to other parts of the world, exchanges were already in place between the Persian and Chinese civilizations? These included the introduction of wheat and apricots from Iran to China and the export of mulberry leaves from China. Rice is a staple food of Kurdistan. However, its rice culture differs from that of Iran. Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan all have natural environments similar to that of Guizhou in China. However, the writing and language systems of these three countries are all different. Although having been under Soviet rule, they have preserved their traditions of hospitality. Everywhere you can see fruit trees, cheese and vineyards. In the fall of 2016, Naomi Duguid will release a cookbook [3] in which she shares 1001 stories from the lands of Persia. (Courtesy of Naomi Duguid)

●Our Monthly Column: A Spoonful of World Flavor  ●This post originated onTAIPEI
[1] Kurdistan: Refers to the territory of the Kurdish people. It is an autonomous zone in a mountainous region which borders on Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It has approximately 1.5 times the population of Taiwan and covers an area approximately 10 times the size of Taiwan.

[2] Published in recent years, Burma: Rivers of Flavor reveals the foods of Myanmar. It received an IACP Cookbook Award and was nominated for a James Beard Award. Of the six cookbooks written in collaboration with Jeffrey Alford, four have been honored with James Beard Awards, also known as the“Oscars of the food world.”In autumn of 2016, she will publish a book about Persian food culture entitled Taste of Persia: A Cook's Travels Through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan. It will include food-related stories from Iran, Kurdistan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

[3] Taste of Persia: A Cook's Travels Through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan.



2025 Beher日本之旅|雪國 山形・秋田

  2025 Beher日本之旅|雪國 山形・秋田 2016年我們一行人前去山形旅行之後, 一直心心念念希望在大雪時再次前往,這一等將近九年。 北方、雪、火、發酵和吉田先生的設計,是我們一直堅持的主題。 非常謝謝所有日本工作的夥伴們,願意體諒和接受我們任性的要求! 在這幾個月的極力協助。 滿滿的誠意和真心,甚至有人多次從東京前往日本東北勘查和溝通, 更千里迢迢前來台北Beher討論。 已經不記得我們改過多少地點和活動內容, 也不記得用了有限的日文努力看過多少資料,更有無窮盡的溝通。 這次旅行的工作團隊很浪漫,是一個瘋狂的組合,不顧一切, 企圖打破無聊和重複, 只希望呈現旅行的獨特性(Locality)、異質融合( Remix),當然更要兼顧永續和健康。 例如:設計師和廚師一起發酵醞釀,即將給我們帶回的禮物包裝設計 以及不同領域的廚師們一起烹調、料理我們的晚餐激發的火花, 這是都是“人的發酵”。 這次的行程,有傳統、有創新,食物和人都“發酵”了!! 真的好夢幻,整理好行程我的心早已感動滿溢~~ 我們將一起向北進入雪國,探索日本雪文化。感受雪的溫度、景致、 飲食、力量甚至聲音,浪漫又陶醉在雪國嚴寒中,升起營火。 體驗新生代日本設計師如何與哲學家般廚師, 顛覆現代設計概念並融合烹調,兩者一起思考、探索和產生共鳴。 進入山形最上町,和農夫媽媽學習和品嚐母子相傳的鄉土美食。 用味覺和所有感官,享用多位移住山形的廚師們如何一起共同烹調, 彼此激發火花的晚餐餐會。 品嚐日本不同釀造方式的清酒和自然派葡萄酒, 以及日本盤中難尋的溫柔素食。 參觀江戶時代至今175年歷史的秋田県橫手老藏,如何兼顧傳統、 勇於革新, 並和大家一起探索藏內新發現的微生物如何加入發酵飲食。 最後在秋田縣橫手市增田, 百年來仍舊以井水仔細淘洗米來制麴老舖“旬菜みそ茶屋くらを” 的麴料理課程,結束我們這次的旅行。 2025/2/14(星期五) 18:00  山形新幹線 新庒站 集合   山形新幹線時刻  → 前往 山形県最上町・ 瀬見温泉 晚餐:觀松館  check in 泡湯 洗去旅途舟車勞頓的疲憊。 餐後:敬請期待,小小驚奇活動。 住宿:觀松館  2025/2/15 (星期六) 早餐:觀松館  → 前往 une(うね) 山形県最上郡最上町富...

怎麼使用 韓式紅辣椒醬 |Beher 發酵食物

  怎麼使用 韓式紅辣椒醬 |Beher 發酵食物 大醬(/된장/ Doenjang)、紅辣椒醬( 고추장/ Gochujang)、包飯醬(쌈장/ Ssamjang)這三款醬料是許多韓國菜的風味基底, 走進任何韓式食材專賣店,甚至台灣一般超市都能瞧見, 只是大部分都不是在醬缸中經過長時間發酵的食品, 而是大量加工生產的工業食品,裡面有許多甜味劑和化學添加物。 Gochujang是韓國烹飪的基礎材料, 也是世界上深受喜歡的調味品之一,既美味又用途廣泛, 嚐起來有些辛辣、有些甜的糊狀紅色辣椒醬。從石鍋拌飯到 dukbokki(떡볶이/炒年糕) 的許多食物中都可以找到它的蹤影。 傳統上經過催芽大麥粉、紅辣椒粉、發酵黃豆(meju- garu)、糯米、麥芽糖、鹽發酵製成的Gochujang, 它會發酵數月,有時甚至數年,其中糯米中的澱粉轉化為糖分, 創造出 Gochujang 標誌性但微妙的甜味。 韓國和日本在麴的運用有截然不同的文化, 一個在實驗室裡經過幾百年馴化,一個經常在自然捕捉野菌, 各自演化出自家不同的風格與地方特色。 因為對發酵食物的著迷,加上多年探討和研究日本與韓國發酵食物, 便不加思索的把原汁原味的韓國食材, 甚至在韓國鄉間隨處可見的陶缸都空運來台灣, 經過十個月的發酵熟成(六個月的日曬), 日日照顧並且耐心的等待著微生物為我們舌尖創造的發酵好風味。 現在我們可以開始嘗試將它加入不同料理之中,例如: 醃雞腿時除了一般加入的醬油、大蒜、薑片、米醋、芝麻油、糖, 不可缺少的就是Gochujang ,再裹粉去炸,加上甜甜醬汁,這就是韓風炸雞( 我們不喜歡甜甜醬汁弄的滿手黏糊糊, 不過網路上應該很容易找到食譜)。 Gochujang 加一點芝麻油和烤芝麻(我們的辣椒醬比較不辣, 喜歡辣再加一點辣)捲入生菜內,加上烤五花肉,大口塞進嘴裡, 就是韓國劇裡最豪邁的吃法。 生魚片愛好者會愛上這種美味的韓國刺身拌飯,一碗好米飯, 放上生魚片搭配新鮮生菜、蔬菜和小魚卵(masago), 淋上醬:Gochujang 一樣加一些芝麻油(韓國人好愛芝麻油啊!)和米醋的拌醬。 韓國燒烤是迷人的一餐,您只需挑選頂級韓牛的蛋白質和蔬菜, 然後在您自己的餐桌上用火焰燒烤即可! 將薄牛排醃製一夜就可以在家裡燒烤出韓國風味烤肉。 鹹味微辣的烤牛肉味道濃郁,完全令人上癮。在食物處理器中, ...


日本的精進料理被稱為日本料理的原點,是一種極至的健康料理,但它原本是所謂的寺院內『僧侶料理』,調理與進食都被視為是一項精神修行。精進料理在局限的 食材範圍、嚴格的戒律下,將五法、五味、五色發揮到極致,同時加入日本料理中最重要的季節感,是一套嚴謹,尊重生命與食材的料理。 照片取材自日本wikipedia,詳細資料請參考其網站。 精進料理是於鐮倉時代,由永平寺的道元禪師將之確立。初期是寺廟裡的僧侶餐食,忌食生腥肉類、魚介類,以及所謂的葷菜類(洋蔥、蔥、蒜等),是一種完全以季節性當季野菜為主的餐飲習慣。 精進料理中大豆食材占了很重要的份量,在不食用肉類的飲食中,大豆是最主要的蛋白質攝取來源,同時為了使僧侶不產生厭膩,大豆食材日漸演進進化,發展出豆 豉、味噌、醬油、豆漿、豆皮、豆腐、油豆腐、納豆等等多樣化的豆類食品,精進料理可謂日本料理進展與精緻化中很重要的一環。更有一種說法懷石料理是由精進 料理衍生出來,所以包含著精進料理的根本精神。 這種最初僅是寺廟中僧侶食用的精進料理,後來發展到婚喪喜慶時、掃墓年中行事中的一項正式、類似儀式的餐飲,更演變至今,成為會於一般家庭或是料理亭供應的餐餚。 不過有時在部分料理亭中所供應的精進料理,並不能算是純正的精進料理。部分料理亭的精進料理,進展到是以提供『美食』為目的,所採用的高湯其實是以『動物 性食材』熬煮出來。另有一些供應的精進料理的店也會結合懷石料理的形式,讓精進料理顯得更隆重,菜色更豐富。也有一些日式料理亭不訴求是精進料理,而是訴 求山菜料理,但其實是本著精進料理的調理與食用精神。更有許多料亭是將精進料理結合現代料理,呈現新風味的創意精進料理。 要吃純正的精進料理,深知此道者會至知名寺院,或是供應正統精進料理的知名日式庭院料理亭(此種料理亭多為老舖),帶著 修行的心情,品味精進料理的深沉內在與欣賞日式庭園的幽靜。有心修行者還會住宿寺院一晚,體驗寺院中的修行生活,或是僅僅為了品嚐知名寺院只有早上供應的 素食『晨粥』。據說最正統道地、最高深的精進料理亭,多位於京都古老寺院附近。 日本的精進料理所採用的食材與台灣素食料理的食材略有不同,在日本的精進料理大量運用了野菜、香菇、豆腐、麩、蒟蒻、根 菜類、鹿角菜、昆布等,在台灣的素菜中常使用的綠豆、髪菜、荸薺、金針菜、...